25 Tourney Archives 75


Paper Giclee   14″ x 35

Canvas Giclée 24″ x 60″

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Original Oil on Board 24″ x 30″ / Unavailable

Only with the contributions and help of many people was I able to create this year’s tournament paintings. Tourney Archives 25 and Tourney Archives 75 touch the surface of a March ritual we here in Minnesota know as ” The Tourney.” Thanks to everyone who made this possible including;

John Bianchi                                 Jim Martin
Henry Boucha                              Dave Marvin
Kirstin Burton                               Kyle Oen
Pete Buesgens                              Doug Palazarri
Anne Campbell                             Dave Palmquist
Natalie Darwitz                             Skip Peltier
Roger Godin                                  Tim Poehling
Ivan Hirst                                       John Pohl
Willard Ikola                                 Shawn Reid
Eric Johnson                                 Craig Rosenthal
Rachel Krahn                                John Schroeder
Bill Lechner                                   Sandra Setter-Larsen
Tim Leighton                                Dave Spehar
John Lindberg                              Dave Swanson
Lisa Lissamore                             Mike Thill
Mark Lodge                                  Kris Wendell
Corey Martin                                Moose Younghans